Frequently Asked Questions
Texas Dealer Education has compiled a list of FAQs by dealers considering our course. Please contact us if you have anything additional to ask or request on your way to obtaining your Texas dealer license.
Is this online dealer education course approved by the state of Texas?
Yes. Both the pre-licensing and licensing renewal courses are approved by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.
Which dealers must take this training?
This training requirement applies only to independent motor vehicle dealers. These dealers are licensed to buy, sell, or exchange used cars, trucks, motor homes, neighborhood vehicles, recreational off-road vehicles (ROV), all-terrain vehicles (ATV), or utility vehicles (UTV). All applicants for new licenses must take the Pre-licensing training. Renewal applicants licensed on or after September 1, 2009 whose ownership and management structure of the dealership has changed since the last renewal and the person who previously took the course is no longer with the dealership, must take the License Renewal course.
I took the Pre-Licensing course (or the Renewal course) two years ago…. Do I need to take it again this time around as my renewal is up again?
No, the License Renewal Education course is a ONE-TIME REQUIREMENT so if you have already taken the course and the ownership and management structure of the dealership remain the same you DO NOT need to take the course again in your next renewal. Simply upload the certificate you already obtained when prompted. If you need a copy of your certificate and you can’t access your account because it’s been deactivated, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll send you a copy of the certificate. TxDMV will ask for the certificate during each renewal so make sure you save it in a safe place.
Which dealers don’t have to take the new training?
The pre-licensing training requirement does not apply to independent motorcycle dealers, independent travel trailer dealers, independent mobility motor vehicle dealers, utility trailer/semi-trailer dealers, wholesale dealers, wholesale auction dealers, or franchised license dealers.
How will applicants show that they have completed the required training?
The eLICENSING system will prompt affected applicants to upload their certificate of course completion as part of the regular application process.
Is every employee of the dealership required to take the course?
No, only one owner and/or operating manager for the business is required to take the course. The individual who completes the course must be one of the owners or managers for the business listed on the application.
What if the individual who completes the course is no longer with the business?
A new owner and/or operating manager for the business must complete the course prior to the next license renewal.
I attended the TxDMV Enforcement Division dealer training seminar. Do I still have to take the online dealer education course?
Yes, you must take the online dealer education course. Anyone interested in becoming a dealer, as well as current license holders, are encouraged to attend the TXDMV Enforcement Division’s dealer training seminar which offers important information and tips. However, the online dealer education course must still be taken to fulfill statutory requirements.
I have 15 years experience as a license holder, but changed legal entities four years ago so the license date in eLICENSING doesn’t reflect my total experience. When I renew my license will I have to take the course?
No, you will not need to take the course. When eLICENSING prompts you to upload a certificate of course completion, you should upload a statement listing the dates, license holder names, and license numbers you have been associated with over the years. Once your license specialist verifies you were licensed for more than 10 years on September 1, 2019, you will not be required to take the course.
How long does the pre-licensing dealer education course take?
The pre-licensing dealer education course takes a minimum of 6 hours, depending on your individual learning style.
How long does the dealer renewal licensing education course take?
The dealer renewal licensing education course takes about 3 hours, depending on your individual learning style.
I’ve been in business for 8 years, but must apply for a new GDN as I am moving my business to a different city. Which course do I need to take?
You may take the 3-hour renewal course, but will also need to upload a statement that lists your licensing history details including license number and business name.
My independent motor vehicle GDN expired several months ago, so I have to apply for a new license. Which course do I need to take?
You may take the 3-hour renewal course, but will also need to upload a statement that lists your licensing history details including license number and business name.
Can I choose to take the 6 hour pre-licensing course if I already have my license?
Yes, simply upload your completion certificate as part of your renewal application. TxDMV will accept a certificate for either the 6 hour or 3 hour course if you are already licensed as an independent motor vehicle dealer.
Do I have to take the course in one sitting?
No, once you have registered you can log in and out of the course as many times as you wish. However, you must successfully complete the course within 90 days from the day you registered.
Is there a test?
There is a test at the end of each section. Your scores will not be sent to the TxDMV but you must answer every question correctly before you can move on to the next session.
When will I get my certificate?
Immediately after you successfully complete the course you will have access to your uniquely numbered certificate that you can print out and/or save electronically.
What ID number do I use when I am registering?
Use the same ID number that corresponds to the person’s photo ID used for the dealer license application through eLICENSING. Most commonly this is a Texas driver’s license but a GDN dealer may use an out-of-state driver’s license or a passport.
What happens if I do not complete the dealer education course in 90 days?
Unless there is an extenuating circumstance you will have to repurchase the course and start over.
Will I have access to the course material once I get my certificate?
You have access to the course and resources for 90 days after your purchase. After that, you can have access to the resources from this course on the TIADA website Resource Center. In addition, the Pre-Licensing education course includes an easy-to-use manual that follows along with the slides in this course and provides a great reference tool after you have completed the course. This manual also includes an Appendix at the back of each section that contains all the forms seen in the course.
Is there audio narration and other course accessibility features?
Yes, the entire course is narrated, and each slide includes the text corresponding to the audio.
What if I have a question while taking the course?
We have a team of customer service experts who can assist you. Simply email us at [email protected] or call us at 512.244.6060.
How many cars can I sell before I need a license?
You can sell fewer than five vehicles in the same calendar year without holding a motor vehicle dealers license, provided the vehicles are owned and registered in your name. There are a few exemptions, but for the most part, without a license you cannot sell any vehicles that are not owned and registered in your name.
How much does it cost to get a dealer license?
A new license is issued for a two-year period and costs around $700. A renewal license is also for two years and costs about $400.
Will I get my license after I take the course?
The pre-licensing and renewal course are only one part of the application process. You will need to complete all application requirements prior to being eligible for a dealer license. As the licensing authority, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is solely responsible for all licensing determinations. The licensing application, as well as additional reference material, can be found on the TxDMV website. You can also find a lot of handy information about how to be a Texas car dealer right here on our website.
How long does it take to get my license?
If an application is completed accurately and all required documents have been received, then it usually takes eight to nine weeks to get your dealer license. However, in some cases, processing time may take longer if additional review is required.
Can I get a license if I have a criminal record?
During the application process you will be asked if anyone associated with your dealership has been convicted, received deferred adjudication, been court-martialed, signed an agreed order, had a previous license revoked or been assessed a civil penalty. If the answer is yes, you will need to provide all relevant court documents, including the judgment and disposition, related to each offense along with a statement of explanation. TxDMV will review all submitted documents in conjunction with a background check to determine if you meet licensing eligibility requirements.