National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS)
Overview of the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System
The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) is designed to protect consumers from fraud and unsafe vehicles and to keep stolen vehicles from being resold. NMVTIS is also a tool that assists states and law enforcement in deterring and preventing title fraud and other crimes.
NMVTIS is a DOJ program and DOJ is fully responsible for NMVTIS policy and operations. To ensure that it make informed decisions regarding the operation of the program however, DOJ will convene a NMVTIS Advisory Board that will include representation from all of the stakeholder communities affected by the program-states, consumers, insurance carriers, auto recyclers, junk and salvage yards, and law enforcement agencies. The NMVTIS operator will also be represented on the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will make recommendations to DOJ regarding NMVTIS and may be asked to make recommendations regarding program operation and administration issues, such as establishing NMVTIS performance measures, accessing additional data within the system that is not required by the Anti-Car Theft Act, assessing program costs and revenues, and quality assurance.